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MySponge User Guide

Product Overview

MySponge is a versatile task tracking tool which serves to facilitate management of personal commitments. MySponge features are efficient, minimalistic and easy-to-use, appealing to anyone who wishes to better manage their tasks at hand.

Product Interface

Features Present

Feature 1 - Create Tasks

Users are able to create tasks, which will be stored in MySponge’s database. There are 3 main categories of task that can be created, namely ToDo, Deadline and Event.

Feature 2 - Read Tasks

Users are able to obtain and view all the current tasks in MySponge’s database. Users will be able to observe the type of tasks present, their tags and completion progress.

Feature 3 - Update Tasks

Users are able to update the progress of every task, from incomplete to completed, represented by a cross and check respectively.

Feature 4 - Delete Tasks

Users are able to remove specific tasks from MySponge’s database if deemed neccessary.

Feature 5 - Tag Tasks

Users are able to add a specific tag to a task, which acts as an efficient label which can be searched upon. Eg. #NUS

Feature 6 - Find Tasks

Users are able to search and display tasks using keywords. Tasks with keywords present will be displayed to the user.




This keyword creates a new todo task.

Example of usage:

todo (name of task)

Expected outcome:

Task of type todo will be created and added to MySponge’s database.



This keyword creates a new deadline task.

Example of usage:

deadline (name of task) /by (YYYY-MM-dd HHmm) Note: Date and Time must be expressed in proper format specified.

Expected outcome:

Task of type deadline will be created and added to MySponge’s database.



This keyword creates a new event task.

Example of usage:

event (name of task) /at (details)

Expected outcome:

Task of type event will be created and added to MySponge’s database.



This keyword generates the list of tasks currently being tracked in MySponge.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

A list of tasks will be displayed to the user.



This keyword alters a specific task’s progress, from incomplete to completed.

Example of usage:

done (integer value)

Expected outcome:

The task represented with the corresponding integer value index will be deemed complete, the cross beside the task details will be replaced with a check instead.



This keyword removes a specific task’s from MySponge.

Example of usage:

delete (integer value)

Expected outcome:

The task represented with the corresponding integer value index will be removed from database.



This keyword places a tag on a specific task.

Example of usage:

tag (integer value) #(tag name)

Expected outcome:

The task represented with the corresponding integer value index will have a newly created tag visible.



This keyword returns a list of tasks containing the keyword specified by the User.

Example of usage:

find (keyword)

Expected outcome:

All tasks contaning the keyword specified will be displayed.



This keyword closes the application window.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Application window will be closed.